[Salon] MBS Says John Kirby Needs Some Mouth Wash


MBS Says John Kirby Needs Some Mouth Wash

Saudi Arabia isn't happy with claims made by NSC spokesperson John Kirby:

On-the-Record Press Gaggle by NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby - White House, Feb 6 2024

Q Hey, Kirby. Thank you so much for doing this. When America is talking about a hostages deal, is it part of a bigger deal of normalization with Saudi Arabia, or are we talking about two different paths here?

MR. KIRBY: No, these are two different things. [...] 
At the same time, we were, before the 7th of October, and are still now having discussions with our counterparts in the region, Israel and Saudi Arabia — obviously, the two key ones — about trying to move forward with a normalization arrangement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

So those discussions are ongoing as well. We certainly received positive feedback from both sides that they’re willing to continue to have those discussions. But that is a separate track and not related specifically to trying to get this extended humanitarian pause in place. Both are really important though.


Kirby says US received ‘positive feedback’ on Israel-Saudi normalization talks - Times of Israel (via Reuters), Feb 6 2024

The Biden administration has received positive feedback that Saudi Arabia and Israel are willing to continue to have normalization discussions, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby tells reporters today. ...

The Saudis disagreed with that characterization: 

Foreign Ministry 🇸🇦 @KSAmofaEN - 0:09 UTC · Feb 7, 2024

A Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the discussions between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America on the Arab-Israeli peace process.


From the statement:

The Kingdom has communicated its firm position to the U.S. administration that there will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capitol, and that the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip stops and all Israeli occupation forces withdraw from the Gaza strip.

Added comment:

asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل @asadabukhalil - 2:04 UTC · Feb 7, 2024

This Saudi foreign ministry statement is unusual and it announces that Gaza will form an earthquake in Arab politics. MbS in his policies on Palestine disregarded Saudi and Arab public opinion. This statement tells us that he is retrenching and adjusting. Kushner on hold.

Just to make it clear. I am not saying it is a good statement. But before Gaza MbS merely asked for “easing the lives of Palestinians”. Nothing else.

Posted by b on February 7, 2024 at 6:43 UTC | Permalink

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